Sunday, June 5, 2011

#12____Memory of a Photograph: Which photograph from your past do you remember most? Describe this photograph. Describe how it makes you feel when you remember/think about this photograph. How have you changed? How has the place in this photograph changed? What would a reenactment of this photograph look like? Would you act or look differently if you reenacted this scene today?

The photograph I think I remembered most is of my sister and I sitting in my Gramma's cupboard when i was probably 3ish and she was 1ish. The cupboard makes a dark brown frame around us and you can see a large can of tomato juice behind my sisters head. She is wearing diapers and a teal striped tee. I am wearing identical striped tee in red, with matching red shorts, holding a doll that had been Mom's that's hair "grows" when you pull the pony tail on top of her head. Our expressions are different, my sister looks perplexed and I have a smile from ear to ear. I am not sure who took the picture, I think it was my Gramma, but I am glad that she captured it. I remember sitting in that cupboard playing, it was something we always used to do.

I don't know how I would recreate this, my sister and I are way to big now to sit in a cupboard together....maybe we could sit next to the cupboard? or on top of it?

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