Sunday, June 12, 2011

#20 Describe at least one photograph that you could take for each of the following “place” prompts.

  • an image of a synthetic "place" such as Disney World, Las Vegas, a Hollywood set, a diorama, etc.
I actually went to Disney World for the first time last year and what was amazing to me about it was all of the strollers! For the image, I would go to Disney world and walk around and photograph all of the stroller "parking lots" and the screaming toddlers and frustrated mothers that go along with them.

  • an image of a fantasy/fictitious environment concocted from your imagination.
 This I think I would accomplish through using HDR techniques and also merge photographs together in photoshop. My fantasy place would be a starry sky but at dusk when all of the colors are very vibrant and rich. I think I would place a person walking from a forest that was merging into a city. Maybe showing each movement of the walk as the person merging into someone else.

  • an image of a placeless space such as the Internet, cell phones, e-mail, e-bank, surveillance, etc.
This might be funny: I think I would build a set (I'm thinking of taking a photo of a person in the Internet) that looked like a browser window. All of the text would be real and made out of wood, painted different colors and placed at different depths in the frame. For the advertisements I would have boxes built with actual people in them acting out a commercial. Then I would put my person in the midst of it all. There would be text in front of her and behind her, she could even be standing on a letter. I think it would be interesting because I would have made a placeless space and actual space.

  • an image of a public space. 
  • an image of a private space.
I am combining these two because I think it would be interesting to swap them. By this I mean to take an image of a public space, like a mall or a restaurant, completely empty. And then take a photo of a private space, like a bathroom or living room, packed full of all the people that would have been in the mall or restaurant. Like if the mall had been magically emptied and all of the people were transferred to your bathroom, and there they stand with their shopping bags and soft pretzels looking completely normal.

  • an in-between space that brings to mind one of the following ideas: nomadic lifestyles, displacement, rootlessness, out-of-placeness, boundaries, movement, expansion, etc.
For this I think I would just take a person out of their element. For example taking a person who is a dancer in Las Vegas (peacock uniform and all) and placing them in the middle of a church service. Something like that.

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