Monday, June 20, 2011

Assignment #4: Popular Media/Culture

For the above image: I was going to for a high fashion editorial feel for this image, kind of like the images you see fashion magazines of accessories shoots. The focus is the shoes of course but in a heightened way, I want you to really see them as more than shoes. What can these shoes do for you? How do they make you feel? How would you feel if you were wearing them? I made the background fabric black and white to make the vibrant blue of the heels really pop. The view point of them is also somewhat unfamiliar to us, usually when we are looking at shoes we are looking down at them, not straight on and at the back of them. I also think it is interesting that the reflection on the bottom of the shoes shows the actual color of the fabric, making it looks like it is not just black. This adds to the surrealism.
For the image above: This might be my favorite photograph of all time. This is not only because this is my family and I love them dearly (that is definitely part of it) but also I am so happy with the range of emotion that is happening. I was going for a family picture but instead ended up with what looks like a staged snapshot. I was trying to set them up for a family picture (there were more of my family there that are not in this picture) but as my Grandpa was walking towards the chair my Gramma said to him, "Grandpa, your fly is down." and he sat down and checked it. I have no idea why we thought it was so funny but it was and I was so lucky to get my sister, mom and Gramma's reaction to it just as it was happening. It was purposeful that it is taken where it was taken, I had scoped out a spot and put the chairs there and I am very happy with how it almost looks like a stage. Also the way the lines from the siding on the house and shed are leading your eye to them gives them more impact. 

I would love to use this as a jumping off point for a much larger project. I would get groups of people that either are family or are so close that they are like family and tell them I wanted to take a group photo or family picture. I would do this because I would be able to set it up where I wanted to make the surrounding area look kind of staged but I wouldn't tell them what my goal really was. I wouldn't want them to know because I would want all of their actions and emotions to be sincere and genuine, not performed. I could then take note of the conversations and actions that were taking place as I was trying to set up the "real picture." I think I might not get as good of one every time I tried, it would greatly depend on the dynamic of the group but I think I would get enough good ones to put them on display.

For the image below: For this I was going for an obviously set up shot. I had in mind bloggers who blog their homes (or Etsy ads for jewelry.) They set up these little scenes on their shelves or nightstands and photograph it showing how wonderful it looks and how wonderful they are for having these beautifully staged accessories in their home. I deepened the colors a little in photoshop to give it more of an antique feel. Overall I am happy with this image, I like that you can see the water droplets on the roses and the way the light is hitting the little treasure chest. I think my goal was achieved because the comments I got about it in the critiques were spot on with my intention.

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